Monday, March 5, 2012

Abandon House it is...!

Long day shooting for my new Fashion Editorial Video... No not pictures still but like a 3 mins of Peterphan Label live on screen.

Well who say fashion is easy fun game.

So the schedule of the shoot was: call time is at 3pm, everyone in the crew will meet at "Griffin Park" and hike up to location (I did it in 6 inches platform Balenciaga ankle boots). So as we walk through all our location up and down the hill of "Griffin Park" Arrive a big problem. We needed power to illuminate our set and the generator we got "New" in the box, didn't want to start (FML). And as the sun started to set at 4:30 "when we were suppose to shoot our first scene" lady and gentlemen we got no power.

It just start to go down hill from there, I was to schedule to shoot a short interview with the fabulous Analiza Davidson for the "Hollywood top Designer" designer countdown as we shoot our fashion video. As Analiza arrive at location, I was still stumbling around to resolve the generator and a way for us to get Power. We called every home depot around 30 miles radius to check for available generator to pick up ASAP.

As I and driver head to our closest home depot to "pickup the generator" they end up didn't have a rental shop WTF we just called and they say they do. The man pointed driver and I to another location close by (Which doesn't exist) the way he pointed us to was a dead end "No Home Depot Here." By now it was around 5:30pm it was getting dark.

I then got a call from the crew who waited at location say we can't shoot at the location we wanted because, Park ranger was being an well "Ass"... Think, think, think... plan "B" After a long minute trying to figure out a different location with the vibe and mood we are looking for the video. Adam Viera one of  our cinematographer sparkle with a location where he did a shoot before, an abandon house. Pertfect since i like to place things in weird places like a fashion couture gown in a grungy old run down place.

As we make a stop by another home depot location to pickup out power source "2 giant generator". And I and the rest of our crew follow Adam car heading north west of LA, up the mountain, down the mountain, up the hill, down the hill. Round and round we go up to this dark mountain where there are barely any streetlights but our lamp headlights. We finally arrived to our new location. It is now around 7pm.

OMG Adam was not kidding when he say "Abandon"

Abandon house main entrance
This is a piece of art, the house was build on the side of the mountain, with a giant 12 feet wide wooden bridge that expand 20 feet from the road lead to the main house entrance. Oh and there is a moat 20 feet below the house "I think I found my castle". The house architecture was very different from all the house around, it is very art deco style. It reminded me of a museum the way the wall is curve outward and covered all in glass ceiling where there now nothing but colorful graffiti. It was such a wast that it was abandon.

Back of Abandon House
As we rush through the very cold night around 40 degree, to get setup and I head to hair and make-up.  As my 2 videographer setup out set "Inside the house where there are collaps floors and a awesome wooden staircase that led to a 2nd floor of the house which was not in very great condition to walked on, and below the stair is a deadly 2 story down to a creepy basement, in which you can see because the floor was totally ruin and collapse. OMG!!!

Taking a deep breath as i get into my looks and "BALANCE" my way through broken wood floors and staircase covered in giant holes which can crash down any moment. And as we tape one look after the other, It was 2am.

We are all cold and tire, and ready too strike the set and yell out "That's a wrap!!!"

Long day fighting through the hard reality world of fashion to make it work.

We made it through the day.

Below is a sneak preview that was taken a few clips of our shoot with my "Blackberry"

Videographer: Miguel Gauthier & Adam Viera
Hair / Makeup: Fidel Gonzalez & Joshua Mcintyre
Fashion Style: "House of Label"

P.S I was have to reschedule another sit down interview with Analiza in the coming day.

Peter Phan

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